Leadership Team

Keith Ladeau

Current Committee members (as of January 2007)
Sally Landis
Rick Bogle
Marian Kopp
Susan Drew
Tami Davis-Betelak
Andy Baver
Richard Randlett

The Leadership Team was formed to assist the church during Pastor Tom's sabbatical and has continued to serve as an oversight committee. The Leadership Team can assist other committees having problems or other internal issues. The Leadership Team will assist in the training of new leaders, and will help guide the church toward being a Christ centered program driven organization.

   *   Betsey Waters leadership seminars
   *   Assist in the transition from Pastoral to Program driven church

Current needs (as of January 2007)

Current Meeting Times
Please call Keith Ladeau for meeting times as this committee doesn't meet every month.


Volunteer opportunities & job descriptions

See our Committee Contact page for more information.