Worship Committee

Cynthia Geiger and Carol Rowlette(2019)

Music Leaders (ex officio)
Steve Rafter

Current Committee members (as of August 2018)
Steve Kim(2018)
Betty Herlihy(2020)
We seek to fulfill our vision of being a church where people are helped to discover the joy of knowing and serving Jesus Christ though offering joyful, meaningful, and relevant worship experiences.

The worship committee assists the pastor and other worship leaders in designing worship experiences that will help people experience the presence of God, hear God's Word for their lives, and be energized to follow Jesus more fully and completely. Team members will learn to be sensitive to ways of employing various worship arts (music, spoken word, drama, sculpture, drawing, dance, photography, along with other forms of artistic expression) to usher worshippers into a holistic experience of God's presence.

Our basic responsibilities:
   *   Maintain Yearly Worship Calendar
   *   To learn about worship and about the people in our congregation and community so that we can plan worship appropriate to their needs.
   *   To collaborate with the pastor and music leaders in planning worship.
   *   To develop and support effective musical leadership in the church.
   *   To promote and foster regular individual and family spiritual formation.
   *   To consider other opportunities for strengthening worship.
   *   To coordinate all aspects of the worship service. Area Coordinators (volunteers to help in one worship area) must be maintained.

Monthly meetings (1st Wed of each Month at 7pm), some additional meetings to plan special seasonal activities.
Some of the special services that the worship committee has planned/participated include: Lay Caring Sunday, Children's Sunday, Confirmation, Stewardship Sunday, Harvest Home (Thanksgiving), special services through Advent (Christmas Eve, Christmas), special services through Lent (Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter). Special events during the services include: New members, baptisms, Stephen Ministeries, Disciple Bible Study.


Current Needs

Volunteer opportunities & job descriptions
Seeking gifted, creative people who are passionate about being a part of a team that plans a warm and worshipful environment for our members and community.

The following Area Coordinators help with this monumental job.
Acolytes Coordinator - responsible for recruiting, training, and scheduling children to serve as acolytes during the 10:30 service. Involves working with young children (at least 7 years old) and their parents.

Flower Coordinator - responsible for coordinating the flowers for the altar for Sunday worship as well as special services during the Easter and Christmas seasons.

Greeter Coordinator (one for each service) - responsible for recruiting, training and scheduling greeters to warmly welcome folks as they enter the narthex on their way to worship. Involves coordination with the church office.

Lay Reader Coordinator (one for each service) - responsible for recruiting and scheduling persons to serve as lay readers for the both worship services. Involves coordination with the church office.

Usher Coordinator (one for each service) - responsible for recruiting, training and scheduling persons to serve as ushers for both worship services.   

Communion Steward (one for each service) - responsible for seeing that communion elements are prepared for monthly communion services (8:30 and 10:30) and special services. Involves coordinating with the pastor.

Paraments and Banners Coordinator - responsible for changing paraments (altar cloths) as necessary, and for placing banners and other visual symbols and/or objects (e.g. centerpieces, advent wreath, crosses) to enhance the worship experience. Involves working with pastor and/or worship design team to coordinate seasonal/miss ional emphases.

Holiday Decorating Coordinator - responsible for decorating the sanctuary and church facility as a whole for holiday seasons, especially Christmas and Easter. May well involve working with flower and paraments/banners coordinators for maximum effect.

See our Committee Contact page for more information.